This is a draft drawing of what I wanted to work on. I am no gun fan, so I have no idea what it is. I remember playing an old call of duty game, using a sniper with an insanely long scope and though 'oh this shit is cool' so I'm recreating it from my childish memory. It could be Lee Enfield or a KAR98, I have no idea.

So from that I modeled this, just the basic shape. I always make the basic shape first before putting detail in, probably what everyone does but hey. Got stuck wondering how to make a barrel at the end.

From that I added the barrel. NOTE I cannot use this in any piece of worked, I messed up the polys and so long story short couldn't bridge as stuff went wrong. So the barrel has just been placed infront of the gun. I can't use this as it wouldn't work to put simply, though I felt to far in to start again as this is only a rough practice piece.

Here is the very rough finished draft thing. Yeah needs a lot of work, but I worked out the basics of how it needs to be put together
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