A script I have developed for an assignment at college:
Expatriate, Outcasts and Lions
{GAMEPLAY: Start of mission, player is informed that
the Custodian underground base is under attack, the player will have to fight
off a few Sovereignty Guards and repel the attack. Enter underground of the
main allied base to find many dead, with one un-armed, and un-armoured
*Start of cut scene*
Dark, dreary room. Smoke lingering in the
air, as the lights sway and flitter. The grey walls were littered with bullet
holes and shrapnel marks. Sounds only white noise and crackling, odd sparks
burst from broken equipment. Tables, shelves and paper are strewn across the
room, littering small space. Fera lays injured corner, as Nicholas enter.
Camera follows Nicholas into the room, then changes to behind Fera
Nicholas: [Walks
slowly towards Fera, arcing with pride around the room, magnum in hand.
Expressions of anger yet restraint, talks quietly with dominance] Tell me one good reason why I should keep you
Camera changes to Fera’s face
Fera: [breathless,
laying in the corner, scared] W-wait! I-I uh, I’m not who you
Camera changes back to a room shot
[cuts over Fera, raising voice] What? Spit it out!
Fera: I’m not
part of the Sovereignty! I-I was taken – kidnapped!
Nicholas: [anger
escalating] You expect me to believe
that? HOW DARE YOU. You murder my friends then expect me to take this crap?
Fera: [shaking,
looking around the room and backing more into the corner] Please! You have to believe me! I’m
not from around here! I’m a conscript; I do not want to fight!
Nicholas: Then
why are you in my here? Why have you been shot? If you do not want to fight,
why are you in this basement?
Fera: [fearful,
shaking] My people… they are
powerful. I had no choice!
Nicholas: [confused,
anger now fading, pacing around] You
could be lying to me. But I’ve never seen a Sovereign so un-noble. How do you
mean, kidnapped? What are you, a conscript? Why do you bear the markings of
Fera: [looks down
at brandings and tattoo’s] They pinned
me down, I had no choice!
There is a short pause after a creek in the
floorboards behind; The only other sound is Fera heavily panting, before
coughing up blood. He whimpers in the corner, a few tears roll down his face.
Nicholas turns as Elise walks in, heavily armed with one of the impressive
Sovereign rifles. Camera follows her closely from behind, then moves to get all
three into the shot, a dark shadow is cast over Elise’s face
Elise: [face of
disgust, aggressive posture, shoots dirty look at Fera] Why
is this scum still alive?
Another short pause, with Nicholas looking
confused. Elise shrugs, walks quickly towards Fera and points the rifle at his
head. He cowers and makes whimpering noises. Camera gets all the characters
facial expressions then moves to behind Nicholas
Nicholas: [jumps
forwards, speaks suddenly and quickly] Don’t!
Elise: [looks
seductively towards Nicholas] Hmm?
Oh is he yours? Sorry.
Nicholas: [Dominanlty] We’re not killing him.
Elise approaches Nicholas, holding out the
rifle. Nicholas pushes it down and leans forwards to whisper to her. Camera
zooms in on Elise and Nicholas’ faces, but with Fera autofocused in the
Nicholas: [whispering,
less angry and more co-operative now] Let’s
hear him out, he might not be who we think Elise.
Elise: [turns
attention to Nicholas, whispering also] What!?
You yourself said no Sovereign will live after what happened to your parents!
Nicholas: Have
you ever seen a Soveriegn look so…pathetic?
Elise: [glances at
Fera, still whispering] No,
because I’ve never seen one this close who is shooting the life out of me!
We’ve never seen one this vulnerable before.
Nicholas: [temper
slowly escalating, talking quietly but still whispering] Then what do you suppose we do?
Elise: [matching
temper and tone, a mischievous smirk across face] Kill the scum! After we torture him for information,
he is a gold mine to our tactical team.
After another short pause, Fera scuffles
around. Eyes beaming with fear, he shakes with a cold sweat on his brow. He is
sitting in a small pool of blood, looking terrified in the corner of the dreary
room. The smoke and dust starts to settle, as three more Custodian rebels enter
the room. They walk in armed, confused, then shoot dirty looks at Fera in the
corner. Camera follows the three rebels as they enter, but then switches
between them and Fera
Fera: [voice
quivering, escalating fear, breaks the silence] PLEASE! I’ll tell you everything I know!
1: [laughs loudly with the other rebels] Keeping this one are we?
Elise: No.
Camera switches to Nicholas’ face to show his
Nicholas: [glares at
Elise] Delkanto left me in
charge, his fate is mine to choose. Guys, clear this place up. Salvage the
Fission Reactors before they degrade.
1: [sensing the atmosphere, the three guards
stand at attention] Sir!
2: [follows in suit] Right away!
Two of the guards set to work on the ticking
machines scattered around the room, whilst the other starts clearing up the
paper, pinning what could be salvaged onto a wall. Camera in corner, as the
rebels set to work, then change back to a shot of the main three charecters
Elise: [now not
whispering] I can’t believe this.
Nicholas: [Raising
voice, displaying outright authority] Enough!
Elise, I know what I am doing. Go and find any medic that can be spared, and
bring down some charts.
Elise: Bu-
Nicholas: NOW!
Elise tuts, flicks her hair and starts to
walk towards the stairwell with anger. She barges past one of the Rebels
clearing up, making him drop all of the papers in his hand. He back with
annoyance, before bending over to pick up the papers.
3: [smirking] She’s awfully feisty today.
Nicholas: [matching
the now humorous atmosphere, but still on edge] You know what she’s like. Ever since Master Delkanto was
murdered she has never been the same. She said last week, “none will live
whilst I’m still breathing”. Probably why she is so annoyed now. [Turns attention towards Fera, who is only
half conscious] Hey! Stay awake, we’re getting help.
Fera: [breathless,
barely moving, raises arm to thank] Th-Than-
Fera passes out before finishing. The medic
walks down the stairs alone with the empty charts, as Nicholas points out Fera.
The medic hesitates, but then hands the charts towards Nicholas and starts
treating Fera. Camera follows the medic through the room, before fading out as
the scene ends
*End of cut scene*
Player walks around village, which is damaged from the recent attack. Allows
player to explore, but displays main quest marker as the Medical Centre. Side
quests include helping people around the camp, such as picking up heavy items
for elderly, and checking at Elise’s house whom doesn’t answer. Both of these
give you more credibility points. You go to the Medical Centre, to see the
doctor outside waiting for you}
*Start of cut scene*
Camera follows Nicholas as he shakes Dr
Briggsley’s hand
Nicholas: [Smiling,
shakes doctors hand] Doctor
Briggsley! Long-time no see. Where have you been?
Briggsley: [returns
smile, seems very happy] Nicko!
Oh I know, I got deployed with the front line infiltrating the base. You’re
female friend has quite the attitude, doesn’t she!
Nicholas: [Laughing] She
means no harm! How is our infamous patient?
Briggsley: [attitude
drops, looks more unhappy] Drawing
some attention to put it lightly. Let’s go inside, I’ll explain on the way.
They walk through the doors, entering down a
long corridor. Briggsley picks up some charts off a wall, before turning down
another corridor. The Medical Centre was very clean and tidy, but yet still had
an out of date feel to it. They get to a lift, and press the button to wait.
Camera constantly following the two from infront
Briggsley: [now talking
formally] Yes, our patient has
taken massive shock to his neural pathways, and his 13th and 14th
vertebrae have been fused. His abdomen has been patched up, and a few of his
vital organs still have shrapnel in. If I may say, he is lucky to be alive. He
has a strong determination to stay alive.
Nicholas: [smirking] What’s all that damage in English Doc? Will
he be alright?
Briggsley: [sighs,
takes off glasses] He got shot. His
intestines are full of metal, and his spine is damaged, he many never walk.
I’ve stitched him up for now, and he will be alright if he stays determined to
Nicholas: [Chuckles,
patting Briggsley on the back] Well wasn’t that easier?
Briggsley: [Looks up
towards Nicholas] Well for a
cretin like you maybe.
The two share a laugh. They walk into the
lift, which closes and creaks as it slowly rises. Steam pistons flare as the
lift moves.
Nicholas: [now more
serious] So how was it on
the front line?
Briggsley: [short
pause, keeps positive manner] Well,
unpleasant to put nicely. I know being a doctor means seeing death, but the
weapons the Sovereign and Livian Guards use are disgusting. Energy cannons they
call them. I was sent to study them, my team and I figured they are
biologically tailored. Each one as the pulse hits instantly registers itself to
our own DNA, then demolecularises our cells causing a denaturalizing chain
reaction. [Notices Nicholas getting lost
in context] Or in English, it blows up your cells.
Nicholas: [Looking
unpleasant] Yes, I have seen
the damage they can do.
Briggsley: Hmm,
it’s not very nice is it?
They exit the lift and walk in silence
towards Fera’s door. The experience of the battles they have fought has changed
their attitude. They enter the room to see Fera sitting up in his bed. With a
nod from Nicholas, Briggsley leaves the room. Nicholas approaches the side of
the bed. The room is small; with the window open letting light in. A machine is
the corner is beeping quietly, but everything else is silent. Camera follows up
Fera showing his damaged body, before turning
to see Nicholas walk into the door. It then focusses on the two from the
end of the bed
Nicholas: [Talking
with a calm tone, but dominance] So,
tell me your story. I want to know everything.
Fera: [Nods, and
talks quietly with a sense of exhaustion] I
come from the world, Syndraahhae. It is under control by the people you call
the Sovereign. They dictate life in every quadran-
Nicholas: [Confused] Wait, you mean you’re not from here?
Fera: [Looks up
with half a surprised face, but talks quietly] No. It
is in quadrant 17, in the Vectorus Cluster. We were too, invaded by the Livians
almost three hundred years ago. Our planet has been used as a military base.
Anyone lucky enough not to be chosen to fight works in the mines. I got taken
eight weeks ago from my home, branded with these marks, and shoved on a ship.
Next thing I know, everything is shaking and we are entering this, this rift.
As soon as we entered, we were here. The guards pushed me out of the ship with
the rest, outside this town’s front gate, and told me to kill everyone. I
followed along, but never shot one round. One of your snipers hit me in the
stomach, so I hid in the basement. And here we are now.
There is a pause, as Nicholas tries to
comprehend what he has just been told.
Nicholas: [Even more
confused] Wait, I’m still
confused. Another world? What there is more than just this one?
Fera: [laughs, but
then curls in pain clutching his stomach] Are
you serious? This is Quadrant 412, and last time I checked there were over 480.
[Still noticing the confusion] A
quadrant is a sector of the universe in which the Livians have found a form of
Nicholas: We
were never taught anything about other planets.
Fera: [displaying
a sense of hatred] Of course not!
You only know what they want you to know.
Nicholas: [feeling
slightly fearful] OK. And what is
this rift? Do you mean the black storm?
Fera: [looking
around the room] Call it what
you like, no-one knows what it is or how it works. Basically, it opens at two
points of the Universe, and then a ship warps through one side and gets to the
other. Get it?
Nicholas: [seeming
more reassured] I guess.
But my people still won’t take a simple explanation as your alibi. The Livian
and Sovereigns have been murdering us for years, hatred is in their blood - and
you [points to the marks] wear there
marks, intentionally or not.
Fera: [looking
shocked once more] I’ll prove
myself, anyway I can.
*End of cut scene*